Mighty Petz

Symptoms of UTIs in Dogs

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are fairly common in dogs. Dogs with UTIs will attempt to urinate very frequently whenever they go outside. There are a few causes of urinary tract infections, usually bacterial but also rarely fungi or viruses could be culprits. Other less common but more serious causes include: causes include cancer, bladder disease, kidney disease and stones, diabetes, bladder inflammation or infection, spinal cord abnormalities, and prostate disease.

Symptoms of UTIs in Dogs

🔸 Bloody and/or cloudy urine

🔸 Straining or whimpering during urination

🔸 Accidents in the house

🔸 Wanting to be let outside more frequently

🔸 Dribbling urine

🔸 Licking around the urinary opening

🔸 Fever


Source: https://bit.ly/3h3FGcs

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